stone pillars at the palais de tokyo in paris, france

The Seven Parts of Abundance

Abundance is what we use to create and manifest our life’s purpose. So abundance is rooted in creation. To create anything, you need three things: presence, energy and direction.

We are spiritual beings, so to truly create, we must include that part of our nature. When we create, we must do so in both the physical and the non-physical world. The physical world is our bodies and our environment. The non-physical world is our thoughts, emotions and spirit. Thus to create, we need presence, energy and direction in both the physical and non-physical worlds. This gives us 6 of the seven parts of abundance. The final part is gratitude.

Gratitude has many facets. It is about consciously accepting all of the blessings and gifts that are in our lives every moment.  It is also looking at your current situation and seeing it as a gift to move you towards your goals.  Gratitude is special because it is contained in all 6 of the other parts of abundance as the glue that holds them together and the power source to moving through them to your dreams.

Abundance is Balance

When you are abundant, you can manifest anything you desire without blockage. This means that you can follow your life’s path free and unencumbered. Another definition for free movement in any direction is Balance. Thus an abundant life is a balanced life and vice-versa.

So to create an abundant life, all you need to do is enter a state of balance. So where ever you are on your life’s path you can start moving towards abundance immediately. Balance is internal and our Divine right.  You can claim it at any time. You do not need the permission of anyone else or anything to happen. It simply takes awareness and the choice to live in balance. The moment you make that choice, abundance is there and it will immediately begin to manifest in your physical world.

As abundance and balance are intimately tied, the seven aspects of abundance could also be called the seven aspects of balance. We call them the Seven Pillars of Balance. They are pillars because they support a balanced, abundant life.

The Seven Pillars of Balance are:

  • Gratitude
  • Love
  • Joy
  • Spiritual Vision/Spiritual Evolution
  • Power
  • Presence/Being
  • Growth

The Abundance Mindset is Living in Balance

Therefore, the entire concept of an Abundant Mindset is to understand the pillars of balance and apply them to your life. Once you achieve that, you will be in a state of abundance – you will be free to manifest your life’s purpose. You will have the freedom of having a direction, the energy and resources to move in that direction and the joy and happiness that come from being present each and every day.

If this sounds too good to be true, please believe me when I say it is not. We are all unique and so our path to abundance is unique. Every one of us is here to be abundant and spread that abundance. It only takes a desire and a commitment to first live in balance. Everything else will simply follow.